World Population

Calculations about quality and quantity.

How much resource is available per capita.

The identity to population growth is reduced space. Diminishing returns on investment.

  • The aggregate of billions of years have created humanity but they still have not learned to be aware of this fact.
  • The first person to use infrastructure who did not pay for the infrastructure is the first cost of maintenence without investment. Do they generate revenues to fund maintenence? The simple answer is yes.
  • As population density increases while real growth and population growth decrease, the time-arbitraged inflated currency unit, also described as debt funded investment, will buy less material per person. It is possible that quality of processed material increases but I am not optimistic about quality of life increasing due to total surveillance and supralegal claims to every aspect of the idividual. The average level of technology per infrastructure unit seems inevitable to slowly increase until the next major technology revolution. When that will be is unknown.
  • At the world's current population, there are 57 people per square kilometer of land. At 100 Billion people there would be over 790 people per square kilometer of land; similar to the population density of contemporary urban centers.

    Historic Changes.

    During the period analyzed, the following table describes the yearly general demographic relations. Included are two examples which show the lack of statistical significance but aggregate behavior of the table's expectations.

    Australia: Percent Change Population 1.36, Percent Change GDP 5.63, Deposit Interest Rate 4.52, Real Interest Rate 5.04

    Mexico: Percent Change Population 1.58, Percent Change GDP 23.32, Deposit Interest Rate 18.99, Real Interest Rate 8.09

    Average of the two: Percent Change Population 1.47, Percent Change GDP 14.48, Deposit Interest Rate 11.75, Real Interest Rate 6.57

    Expected from calculation: Percent Change Population 1.47, Percent Change GDP 12.52, Deposit Interest Rate 7.92, Real Interest Rate 5.11

    PctChangePopulationPctChangeGDPReal RateDeposit RateCalcDepositRate

    Group OECD or Not OECD19801990200020102020
    Pecent Change Population
    Not OECD2.331.851.771.6


    Despite the promise of infinite growth I expect the more developed and educated nations and populations to continue slowing population growth.

    Due to increased development and education I expect the less developed and educated nations and populations to slow population growth.

    With the level of technology relatively static for the foreseable future the benefit of decreasing population will not be financial. It would be personal.

    To return to the political economy main page.